Intro 32 counts Diagonally Forward, Together, Diagonally Forward, Touch, Diagonally Forward, Together, Diagonally Forward, Touch 1-2 Step diagonally right forward to right diagonal, step left togetherMusic: American Kids - Kenny Chesney. 48 Count 4 Wall Improver Line Dance - Kim Ray (UK) - April 2019. 48 Count 4 Wall Intermediate Music: Thriller - Michael Jackson. Explore. Type of Dance. Country As Can Be [line] by Suzanne Wilson. These are some of the most popular Line. 27-28 Cross left behind, step right side. 64 Count 4 Wall Improver Line Dance - Roy Verdonk (NL) & Jef Camps (BEL) - July 2023. I Like It, I Love It Maria Hedenmark (SWE) - October 2007. Corinnas Working Day Corinna Walter (DE). Mathew Sinyard. Music: Homegrown - Zac Brown Band : (iTunes) Count In: 32 counts from when beat kicks in, begin on vocals Approx 105 bpm. Music: 'Til You Can't - Cody Johnson : (amazon & itunes) Count In : 16 beats from very start of track approx 12 seconds in. David Campbell: Beginner: September 2014: Baby, I Do: Darren Mitchell & Jennifer Hughes: I Do by Morgan Evans: Intermediate: April 2018: Baby, I Like It: Adrian Lefebour: I Like. Music: Boot Scootin' Boogie - Brooks & Dunn . 32 Count 2 Wall Improver Music: Sexy (Where'd You Get Yours) - Kool & The Gang. Norma Jean Martine) - Ofenbach. 32 Count 4 Wall Beginner / Improver - syncopated rhythm Line Dance - Ira Weisburd (USA) - December 2015. 5-6 Turn ¼ right and step right forward, turn ¼ right and step left to side. The song isn’t really stopping. STOMP, 3 HEEL TAPS, STOMP, 3 HEEL TAPS. In the middle of the song there is a spot where the beat ends, leaving just the vocals. com - 2021 19 SEP 3 13 OCT '21 100. Andrea Hollenstein. Cross. com. To facilitate a phrased line dance to fit the music, they were changed to 1/8 turns to keep the dance facing front where ever Part B followed Part A. To make it easier to create a dance sheet for a dance, choreographers and line-dancers have come up with names for short sequences of steps – thus instead of saying “step to the side, cross behind, step to the side, step together. Pair the steps with matching music and practice until you've got it down. & Step back on ball of right foot. Step right foot to right side with toes pointing to the right turning you 1/4 turn to the right. Line dances consist of a number of ‘walls’. That's kinda still a vineing. 32 Count 2 Wall Novice Music: Soul - Lee Brice. 5-8 Repeat step 1-4. [1-8] SIDE, BEHIND, SIDE TRIPLE, BACK ROCK, SIDE, 1/2 TURN & STOMP-UP. wall 5 Sec. ca. Ending - If you want to end facing the front: Complete first set of 8. Line dancing, whether to pop or country music or anything in between, is a great way to get everyone out on the dance floor. - 6:00. The House Party line dance is done to the song “House Party” by Sam Hunt. Lainey Wilson: Intermediate: June 2023: Facebooked! Shanthie De Mel. 3-4 Repeat steps 1-2. Another great dance from Niels. Back in Black (May 2012): Stepsheet • Demo. Line Dance Chatter. Face the Music 32 Count,4 Wall, Intermediate Line Dance Music: More Than Friends Lukas Nelson ft. Music: Words Fly by Wyn Williams. Option 1: Restart the dance after the 16 count break (Kane Brown even counts you in!) and dance the remaining minute-plus of the instrumental finish. &16 Place hand behind your head and bump hips forward twice. ”. Tatiara Line Dance (YouTube) – Contact: [email protected] ¼ R step right forward, ½ right step L back, step R back, HOLD (9 o'clock) 5-8 Step L back, step R in place, step L forward, brush R forward. Music:Men In Black by Will Smith. David Campbell: Beginner: September 2014: Baby, I Do: Darren Mitchell & Jennifer Hughes: I Do by Morgan Evans: Intermediate: April 2018: Baby, I Like It: Adrian Lefebour: I Like. 32 Count 2 Wall Easy Beginner Line Dance - Molly Yeoh (MY) - October 2016. Grapevine right then left with kick & clap. Thriller Amy Christian (USA) - October 2013. 5&6 Jump back at 45 degrees onto the left foot, place the right heel forward at 45 degrees angle. Login or. Maddison Glover Line Dance. 5-6 Step left across right, rock back onto right. Cold Heart by Elton John & Dua Lipa. Blame it on the Disco by Alcazar. 6 secs) S1: Walk Right, Left, Right Mambo Forward, Left Lock Back, Right Coaster. Stepsheets; Gallery;. 8 secs. (Option on 5-6-7-8 is to shimmy or chest pop as you step side together side touch) (Beginners can simply repeat the above counts to have a 4 wall 32 count dance. C. Share, download and print free sheet music for piano, guitar, flute and more with the world's largest community of sheet music creators, composers, performers, music teachers, students, beginners, artists and other musicians with over 1,000,000 sheet digital music to play, practice, learn and enjoy. FOR THE TRACK "SIN WAGON". London Community Gospel Cho. com. Kinson (USA) & Alan "Renegade" Livett. 1 2 Make ¼ turn left stepping R to right side as you do a hip circle counter (anti) clockwise (1), touch L to left side (L knee is bent and body is angled to L diagonal) (2) 12. MP3. STEP R, 1/2 TURN L, STEP R, 1/2 TURN L. YouTube: Retirees atPlay. 32 Count 4 Wall Ultra Beginner Line Dance - Frank Trace (USA) - May 2009. 7&8 Cross left behind right, rock right to right side, recover onto left turning to face left diagonal. It will continue for almost a minute more! Facebook: Retirees AtPlay. [1] [2] [3] Unlike circle dancing, line dancers are not in physical contact with each other. [1 – 8] Left Rhumba Box Forward, Side Together Side, Behind Side Cross. 32 Count 4 Wall Intermediate Line Dance - Tim Johnson (UK) - May 2020. So Sexy Lilian Lo (HK) - November 2023. 5&6 Step forward on R 1/2 turn L, take weight onto L, step forward on R. Bring your left foot over to your right foot again. Music: 1-2-3-4 Rock R to right (1), Recover on L (2), Rock R behind L (3). 7,8 Large step LF to L, drag RF next to LF. Recover right hands. Step Fwd. TonToga Cha Cha Alice Leys & Tee Humphrey - January 2018. A home for Australian line dance step sheets See the Main Page (link below) for instructions on submitting stepsheets. Choreographer’s Note: When the music sounds like it is ending, keep dancing. 24 Count 4 Wall Beginner + Music: Lit - Trace Adkins. 32 Count 4 Wall Beginner / Intermediate Music: I Like It, I Love It - Tim McGraw. 1 Touch right toe forward. Contact: Submitted by - Sally Magnussen - rmmagnussen@yahoo. Repeat. Side Together Fwd. Click heels together and snap fingers twice. Shut Up and Dance Sidekick Silent Partners S-I-M-P-L-E Simplemente Simplicity Cha Simply Blue Sinful Singalongmysong Sinner Sippin' on Southern Six Pack Summer Six Pack Summer-P Sixteen Step Skinny. D. So it's telling you that your gonna start your great vine behind your left, then you're just gonna step to the right again, now you're gonna do what this says. Post author: Post published: March 13, 2023 Post category: nyit basketball roster 2019 Post comments: texacraft pickle vodka calories texacraft pickle vodka caloriesCrazy In Line Crystal Cha Dancing On My Own Dancing with Seoul Dim the Lights East to West 17 Faded Dreams Hypnotized Cha I Want That Man I Won't Let You Go Lady in Red Lost in Love Loud Love Junk Love Rush Mood Swing Move You Music To My Eyes Never Growing Up No Strings Attached Nothing To Hide Outta Control Reminiscence Rhythm. Tap. Contact : champ. Carrie Underwood) - Keith Urban. TWO RESTARTS: On wall 4 & wall 9, dance the first 16 counts and after you FLICK, start the dance over. STOMP RIGHT, FAN RIGHT TOE, STOMP LEFT, FAN LEFT TOE 1-2 Stomp right foot forward, Rotate right toe out7-8 Circle hips counterclockwise starting from left - finish with weight on L. Rock back recover, Shuffle Left, Rock back recover 1&2 Step R to R, L step beside R, step R to Right, 3 4 Step L back, recover on. 1&2 Step Right to Right side, Left next to Right, Right to Right . Release Date & Language. These Step sheets will help you learn a particular Line Dance you want to dance. Choreographed by: Lori LK "the Line Dance Queen". 32 Count 4 Wall High Beginner Music: Honky Tonkin' About - The Reklaws &. 3-4 Rock back with ball of left foot, replace weight forward to right foot. 3-4 Shuffle right-left-right to right side. Music available from iTunes and amazon. Feel free to add your own moves to this fun, western style line dance. Phone: 0430346939. Kickit Step Sheet - Stealing. *RESTART on Wall 4 after 48 counts facing [12:00] ENDING: On last wall of dance, S8: counts 5-8 Jazz box to the front 5-8 Cross right over left, Step back on left, ½ right stepping forward on right, Stomp forward on left [12:00] MUSIC LINKS :-. Face My Fears: Kevin Formosa: Face My Fears by Isak Danielson: Intermediate: September 2021: Face of an Angel: Wanda Heldt: Julia by Chris Rea: Beginner: March 2010: Face the Music: Maddison Glover: More Than Friends by Lukas Nelson ft. Poor Boy Shuffle - 64 count with 16 count bridge Four Wall Intermediate line dance by Vicki E. 7&8 Shuffle forward right-left-right (cha-cha) 1-2 Step left forward, turn ½ right onto left sweeping right foot around. 1-2 Step R to side, step L behind R. Music: Shackles by Steven Rodriguez. SEC 1: SKATE FWD X2, FWD SHUFFLE, ROCK FWD, SHUFFLE BACK. Music: Puttin' On the Ritz - Scooter Lee. 5-8 Step left back, sweep right to side, step right behind left, step left to side (12:00) 1-4 Cross rock right over left, hold, step left back, step right to side. 1 dance in October 2023 with We. Styling is optional and also more appropriate to the chorus [1 – 8] Walk RLRL, R kick ball point L, ¼ L with R flick, step R fwd 1 – 4 Walk RLRL fwd (1-4). 1,2 Step right to right side, Close left beside right. Music: Music to My Eyes - Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper : (Album: A Star Is Born OST - iTunes & Google Music) Notes: Start dance on vocals, on the word “eyes. One of the most comprehensive lists of Line Dances. A line dance is a choreographed dance with a repeated sequence of steps in which a group of people dance in one or more lines or rows, all facing either each other or in the same direction, and executing the steps at the same time. 5-8 Starting on your left foot run run run totaling a ¼ turn left and hold. Top 10 sites for free printable line dance stepsheets! For beginner and professional line dancers, there are many free printable stepsheets online. Brooke Lee) - Mikele Buck Band. 5-6 Step right forward to right diagonal, touch left next to right. REPEAT. Can't Read My Face Grace David (KOR), Joanne Wong (MY) & Nunik Susanto (INA) - July 2023. 1&2 Step R forward, rock weight onto L, step R back. 5/4/10 11:17 AM. Music: Macarena - Los del Mar. Specially choreographed so new beginners can enjoy this beautiful music too! ENJOY! Contact: [email protected] Moon - Brooks & Dunn. 2 Touch right toe back. Side Step Right. 3-4 Step right diagonally forward, scuff left next to right. Stepsheets; Gallery; Whats On; Articles;. This is a samba style line dance and should be danced with a slight bounce. 7&8 Make 1/4 Shuffle Turn to L (L,R,L) Face 9:00. Description: 32 count, 4 wall, beginner line dance Music: Dance Above The Rainbow by Ronan Hardiman [117 bpm / CD: Feet Of Flames Soundtrack / Feet Of Flames Soundtrack / CD: Line Dance Fever 9 / Available on iTunes] Special thanks to Kathy Hunyadi, Jo Thompson, Maggie Gallagher, and the Padens for their. 32 Count 4 Wall Beginner Music: Disco Christmas Song 2024 - Non Stop Christmas song Medley - Merry Christmas 2024. LITTLEJEFF. 64 Count - Wall Intermediate - Partner Music: Broken Heart (feat. Ending : Finish your last B at the front wall. 24 APR '23 50. Music info. [email protected]. Just Cant Line Dance Step Sheet Laurie Schlekeway Burkhardt December. 7&8 Turn ½ right and step right to side, clap, clap. Ending: Dance the first 16 counts of the dance and end the dance with a pose. 1,2 Touch RF to R side, touch RF next to LF. com. Recently Added Line Dance Stepsheets. Soul TrebleThreat (CAN) - February 2023. 5-6 Rock forward on left, recover weight back on right. Type of Dance. Return To: “Wobble” Choreographed by Vic Brentnell. Australian Line Dance Choreography (linedance). Watch the video a few times to get acquainted with the music and how the dance looks, and then turn the music off and break the steps down using the step sheet. View / Add Comments. Displaying 1 to 100 of 100 line dance scripts. 32 Count 4 Wall Improver Line Dance - Eun Hee Yoon (KOR) - September 2018. 1-2 Right to right, left cross behind right. We Just Dance: Pauline Greenwood: Why Don't We Just Dance by Josh Turner: Beginner: April 2010: We Just Wanna Hit the Floor AB: Annemaree Sleeth: We'll Dance by Heartbeat Duo: Beginner: February 2015: We Like it That Way: Jennie Berry: I'm From the Country by Lee Kernaghan: Improver: February 2018: We Live Once: Glenda Silver: We Only Live. Step R forward, Pivot 1/4 Turn L onto L, Step R across L) to face 12:00. Music info. Their first published stepsheet on CopperKnob is Travelin' Soldier from October 2007, with their most recent stepsheet of The Tree in October 2023. “ Wobble ” by V. TRIPLE RIGHT, ROCK BACK, RECOVER, TRIPLE LEFT, ROCK BACK, RECOVER. Drag. Click on the name of the dance and the step sheet will appear in a new window so that you can view and / or print it. 5-6 Cross RF over LF, Step back on LF. Lainey Wilson: Intermediate: June 2023: Facebooked! Shanthie De Mel: Breaking The Law by Judas Priest. Login;. Baby Face by Lisa Del Bo (or Bobby Darin) Beginner: August 2015: Baby Hot Dog:The Detroit Hustle is a social dance and a line dance. Then cross R over L to end the dance. Everyone will be dancing the same steps every Front and back wall…. 15 Slight pause then bring right foot to place. Contact. Happy Feeet July 8, 2017. 32 Count 4 Wall Improver - Juve Music: Hit the Road Jack - Buster Poindexter. I know that in the face of such a tumultuous and pivotal moment. As you face 10:00 and shuffle towards 2:00. Country Girl by Rissi Palmer. Straighten up, swinging arms left. on the above 8 counts: Get funky! I like to lead with my R hip on 1-2 then L hip on 3-4; etc. Beyond the Sea by Bobby Darin. Script Views 437 | Downloads 28. [10] Many other early line dances were adaptations of disco line dance. Touch left heel forward two times. 48 Count 2 Wall Beginner Line Dance - Karen McMillan Clark (USA) - May 2022. 4-5. NAME. 2. Mildred Bailey) - Parov Stelar : (Album: Burning Spider) Tears Could Talk Salfoo (MY) - November 2023. Line dancing has a rich history, with origins dating back to the early 20th century, and has evolved to include a wide variety of dance styles and music genres. SWEEP. 32 Count 4 Wall Novice / Intermediate - WCS Music: goodbye looks good on you (feat. Description: 32 count, 4 wall, beginner/intermediate line dance Music: Intro: 8 WALK, WALK, ANCHOR STEP, FULL TURN, COASTER STEP 1-2 Step right forward, step left forward 3 Angle your body to face right diagonal, step ball of right behind left &4 Step left in place, straighten your body to face forward, step right slightly back 5-6 Turn ½ left. Recover on L (4) Restart on Wall 4, dance up to counts 16 and start Wall 5 facing 6:00. Put basically, there’s a step for each beat in 4/4 time (four steps over four music beats). Cowgirls Twist [line] by Bill Bader. Breaking Up is Hard to Do by Neil Sedaka. 7 - 8 tap right foot next to left twice. This video will give you the idea. Description: 48 count, 1 wall, beginner line dance Music: Fin De Semana by Fito Olivares. Avg. Lulu Price. Printable dance steps include actual footprints you can lay on the floor and follow or images of body movements for you to mimic. 5,6 Touch LF to L side, touch LF next to RF. (taaa daaa!) 12 APR '20 50. . "Chattahoochee," Alan Jackson. T. 2022 26 JUN 9. Login;. Download (pdf) NEW Preview. Facebook. Search by Dance title: Dance Title. 1 Comments. 00. 32 Count 2 Wall Improver Music: Sexy (Where'd You Get Yours) - Kool & The Gang. 1&2 Step right foot to right side, cross left foot behind right on ball of foot, step right foot in place. 32 Count 2 Wall Beginner + Music: Down in the Valley (Live) - Solomon Burke. 6-7 Rock back on right, recover on left. TAG. Position: Moving LOD around dance floor, couples form the largest circle possible on the floor. 7 8 Step left with a ¼ turn to left, step right next to left. 32 Count 4 Wall Beginner Line Dance - Marthe Thibeault (CAN) - September 2014. 1 & 2. 1-4 Step R beside L, bump hips RLRL. 1-2. Last Update: 6 Oct 2023. Cowboys & Cowgirls Karianne Heimvik (NOR) - December 2018. 1-4 Walk forward, right, left, right, kick left foot and clap. Co-Choreographers. 1&2 Step right foot to right side, step together with left foot, step right foot to right side. 00 Dance up to count 28 (R side rock, R behind-side-cross), then make a sharp ¼ turn right stepping L to left side “Ta Da!” START AGAIN - HAPPY DANCING Contact: - [email protected] Title. Holding (for the moment) the 2nd spot in the list is another Gary O’Reilly dance, but this one is co-choreographed with Maggie Gallagher. Face The Music - Line Dance (Dance & Teach)Line Dance - Face The Musicface the music line danceCount: 32 Wall: 4Level:. . Contact Info: Gail Smith - smith_n_western_2000@yahoo. 5,6 Touch L beside R, step L to L side. 1-2 Touch right toe out to R, touch right toe next to left. A home for Australian line dance step sheets See the Main Page (link below) for instructions on submitting stepsheets. Start after 24 counts. Description: 32 count, 4 wall, beginner/intermediate line dance. 1/4 TURN LEFT 3 TIMES 33-34 Step forward right, 1/4 turn left to face RLOD. ALL I DO IS LOVE YOU 2 MUCH. 4 stomp in place with right foot. [1-6] L Twinkle, R Twinkle ½ turn R. Login; Register;. 3. Ultra Beginner class from 6pm to 7pm. 32 Count 4 Wall Beginner Music: Take Me Home - Tol & Tol. Music info. 00 V Steps X 1. Line Dance Song Difficulty Instructional Video Demonstration Video Stepsheet (pdf). 3 - 4 Touch left heel forward, step left next to right. 24 Count 4 Wall Beginner - waltz Music: Funny Face - Tammy Wynette. Ending: On count 64 sweep Lt foot round completing another 1/2 turn right to face the front. 7/17/08 3:40 PM. Maddison Glover has choreographed 152 dances, of which 61 have been co-choreographed. At the end of the dance youBut download a step sheet if you're worried! & Teach Video 2. Music info. KICK/KICK, SAILOR STEP. Line dance Step Sheets and Information, including teaching videos and articles. REPEAT. The banner part of a step sheet lists important general information such as: The dance count: this is how many beats of music before the dance step sequence repeats. Hold Me by Farid Mammadov. love Vince Gills Music, Easy dance. Australian Line Dance Choreography (linedance) Hosted by Bootscootin' Western Sydney . Below you will learn how to dance the Electric slide with our step by step video. 3&4 Step right behind left, Step left to left side, Cross right over left. Line dance Step Sheets and Information, including teaching videos and articles. Contact : champ. Drinkaby by ColeSwindell. 00) S1: Step/Touch 2X, Step/Together, Step Flick. 5-6 Rock left to. Search by Dance title: Dance Title Choreographer Song and Artist Level Date; Table for One, Drinking for Two. e. Lainey Wilson) - Lukas Nelson & Promise of the Real Introduction: 16 Counts Walk Forward x3, Side Ball-Step, Cross, ¼ Back, ½ Shuffle Forward FACE THE MUSIC. Practice with music & instruction: Face The Music - Line Dance (Dance & Teach in English & 中文) Choreographed by: Maddison Glover (June 2023) 32 count - 4 wall - Intermediate level line dance Music: More Than Friends. 48 Count 2 Wall Beginner Line Dance - Yvonne Krause-Schenck (USA) - March 2019. Ending - If you want to end facing the front: Complete first set of 8. When danced as a non-mixer, each dancer returns to the same partner. 2023 2 MAY 2 2 JUN '23 200. 32 count 2 wall INTERMEDIATE. This dance is dedicated to my mum on Mothers Day 2005. End of Dance At the end of the music twist the heels to face front wall. 3,4 Step L over R, step R to R side. When danced as a non-mixer, each dancer returns to the same partner. I intend to teach it next week as my students have bee dancing for 7 months, some for much longer and just want to have fun with the music and steps. Turn ¼ left to start the dance again (9:00) REPEAT. Save. 32 Count 4 Wall IMPROVER Line Dance. 68 Count 2 Wall Intermediate nightclub Line Dance - Tracie Lee (AUS) Login; Register; CopperKnob Stepsheets. (UK) - November 2023. Beyond the original track, there are at least 134 songs you can dance the Electric Slide to. Daily Visitors. YouTube: Retirees atPlay. 32 Count 4 Wall Beginner - Bachata Music: COBARDE - Sofía Reyes & Beéle. Lainey Wilson. 3-4 Side step right into ¼ turn right, holdLINE DANCE AUDIO MUSIC. People. Watch on YouTube. 2 bring left together with right. WALKING IN THE SUNSHINE. Music info. ) Face The Music; 32 count, 4 wall, intermediate line dance; Maddison Glover; Menü. Face The Music - Line Dance Face The Music Count: 32 Wall: 4 Level: Intermediate Choreographer: Maddison Glover (AUS) - June 2023 Music: More Than Friends (feat. 2022 7 JAN 9 18 FEB '22 50. Elvira benefits you get the basics for a vine (grape vine) and a hitch as right as a reason concerning rhythm and timing. Face The Music. Dah Dah!! 64 Count 4 Wall Intermediate Line Dance - Kate Sala (UK) - August 2014. . 32 Count 2 Wall Absolute Beginner Music: Soul - Lee Brice. ¼ left stepping right to right side to face 12:00 Contact: kim. Step right foot to right side with toes pointing to the right turning you 1/4 turn to the right. 3&4 Step L back, step R together, step L forward. 1&2 Step right side right, step left next to left, step right to right side. 3&4& Step R to right side, Step L at. Face The Music (Maddison Glover) Me Oh My (Lee Hamilton) Won't You Come Home (Anna den Otter). 32 Count 4 Wall Improver Line Dance - Francien Sittrop (NL) - January 2012. [182 bpm / CD: Simply The Best Linedancing Album / CD: Line Dance Fever 3 / Available on. 48 Count 2 Wall Beginner Line Dance - Karen McMillan Clark (USA) - May 2022. Fill in the Blanks by Greg Bates. Choreographer: Jordan Hunt (USA) - July 2015. Alternate music: any evenly-phrased track in the 100-110 BPM range. 3&4 Step right behind left, step left to left side, cross-step right over left. It can be danced by several couples on a large floor, by having the lead gentleman start the vine to the left and then join the last lady in the line with all other gentlemen moving up one lady (This may provoke more than a few. Keep These Boots Sebastiaan Holtland (NL) - June 2023. C. 5 Touch L heel forward. Description: 32 count, 4 wall, beginner/intermediate line dance Music: Footloose by Kenny Loggins [Greatest Hits / Available on iTunes] You will start the dance 32 counts into the start of the music. Description: 32 count, 4 wall, ultra beginner line dance Music : Skinny Genes by Eliza Doolittle Commence on vocals. com. 1&2 Step left forward and bump hips left, right, left. 0. Great dance and music. A wall is a direction the dancers face. REPEAT. 1 – 2 Walk forward on right foot, clap hands. 5 step forward with right foot. Login; Register; CopperKnob Stepsheets 141321. ALL DANCES – Rachael’s choreography This section will take some time to update, I will do it gradually but it will definitely be a slow process. 48 Count 4 Wall Improver Line Dance - Michelle Risley (UK) - October 2011. Dear Future Husband 2023 Mega Lienatha Lie (INA) &.